Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

simple past tense

simple past tense(lampau)

i/we/they/you /she/he/it + verb2

di gunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang telah selesai pada waktu lampau


i went yesterday
saya pergi kemarin

did you go yesterday
apakah kamu pergi kemarin

i didn't go yesteray
saya tidak pergi kemarin


i + went
we+ went
they+ went
you+ went

he+ went
she+ went
it+ went


i + did + not + go
we+ did + not + go
they+ did + not + go
you+ did + not + go

he+ did + not + go
she+ did + not + go
it+ did + not + go


did + i + go
did + we + go
did + they + go
did +you + go
did + he + go
did +she + go
did + it + go

indikasi waktu

yesterday = kemarin
the day before = kemarin dulu
ago = yang lalu
the other day = beberapa hari yang lalu
last time= terakhir kali
last monday = senin kemarin
last week = minggu kemarin
this morning = pagi ini
in 1964 = di tahun 1964
so = maka
lately=akhir akhir ini
when i was a girl = ketika saya seorang anak gadis

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